Sweet Dreams

It has been a long day.  The sun is finally setting in the Pacific Northwest.  It is beautiful to watch the shadows fall in my garden. 

Dinner is over.  The dishes washed.  The dog walked. I settle down to read.  Three pieces of paper fall as I open my prayer book.  ***


This is the eulogy for my friend Sally who passed away one Sunday when I was out of town.  Her sudden death was probably good for her but hard for me.

She was like a mother to me. She was one of the proper “church women” who served on the altar guild during the one and only time that I did.  She brought me the church bulletins for the Sundays that I missed.  She gave me plants and sweet little notes of encouragement. Her kindness made my life as a working mother and wife easier.

Long before her death she selected the songs, Bible readings , flowers and made all the arrangements for her service.  It was a wonderful gift. This eulogy (above) written by our mutual friend is the only tangible reminder I have of Sally.


The second paper is a note from my friend Verda to my son for his high school graduation.  Verda was another person who took me under her wing.  We shared a love of fashion and chocolate.

Our bond grew even stronger during one tough year.

First my ten-year old son was hit by a car.  It was Verda who came to the emergency room while I waited for my husband.

Later that year she called to tell me that her beautiful, talented daughter had died.

Somehow, we made it through the year.  Mark  recovered completely with only a scar near his hairline to remind us of the day he almost died.

The night my husband died Verda came to the hospital.

Verda died in May 2015 after a long illness.  I have many reminders of Verda but this handwritten note is especially dear to me.


The third paper is a snap shot of my husband on his last fishing trip to Alaska.  I like to think about how happy he was with our sons on  these trips.

I planned to go with him one day to see Alaska.  I never made time for the trip and then it was too late.

Looking at these papers reminds me that I loved and was loved.

I find peace reading this prayer as I have done for countless nights in my adult life:

“O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen , and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done.  Then in thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen”

Now from my heart to yours, I wish you peace in your life and a restful sleep this evening.


Note:  Please forgive the poor quality of these photos…I am still learning.  I can hear my son right now admonishing me for not doing a better job.  Yikes!

***The  Book of Common Prayer, 1979 used by Anglicans and Episcopalians.  Mine includes our hymnal  and is embossed with my name…a gift from my husband.

31 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams

  1. Oh. So beautiful.
    I was captured with, “the dishes washed, the dog walked. I settle down to read.”
    Such beautiful writing.
    And then the content.
    Makes me teary, but in a wonderful way.
    How lucky you were to know Verda, and your husband.
    How lucky they were to know you.
    How lucky I am to read this and find you here in internet land.
    Sleep well & thank you.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. That is a truly lovely prayer that surpasses religion and includes everyone. Thank you for sharing, Lori.
    My heart goes out to you for the losses you’ve suffered. I admire your courage for sharing the stories. May your strength give all of us strength.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a beautiful heartfelt post and I’m going to copy that prayer. It’s wonderful to have dear caring people in our lives and always hard when their time comes to leave this earth. Blessings on you and your sons. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I could not access the site until I had clicked ‘like’ but appreciation goes far beyond ‘feelings’ of like. I have journeyed now through the deaths of many loved ones both friends and family ie Mums and Dads, and sister. It is the memories and the beauty of the journey through the eyes of ‘believers’ which inspires and strengthens the rest of us to live well and be Lights of Hope in the darkness of this broken world. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Lori, this is beautiful. I’m not even quite sure what to say, except that my experience of your writing is so full of grace. Thank you, thank you.
    I am so grateful to meet you here. Much love and Light to you, and to your son, and to the Souls of your husband and to Verda and Sally. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It really touches me that you would take the time to read and respond to my post. Yes, I did write from the heart. It helps me to remember loved ones. I look forward to reading your blog.


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