Thank You Mary Tyler Moore

On January 5, 2016, I published a tongue in cheek post:

Faking It With Mary Tyler Moore

Now a year later, Mary Tyler Moore is dead.

I am sad even though I did not know her personally.

Yet, I did know, like,  and learn from her television role as Mary on the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

She taught me strategies for navigating life’s challenges with grace and strength.

She impressed upon me that I could be assertive while remaining kind.

She was funny, thoughtful and persistent.

She stood her ground without “taking prisoners”.

Mary Tyler Moore in later years

In interviews later in her life, she exhibited many of the qualities that I liked about her television character.

She was genuine and caring.

She seemed like a person I would like to know off the screen.

I never saw a diva!

Mary Tyler Moore Redux

Learning of her death, I decided to watch her show again on Hulu.

I was surprised and pleased  at how relevant the show remains after all these years.

The plots make valid points about social mores in a funny and gentle manner.

The clothes are amazing with one exception. See for yourself the patchwork hostess skirt in the the “Today I Am A Ma’am” episode in Season 2/Episode 2. You be the judge!

Thank you and goodbye to a great lady.

7 thoughts on “Thank You Mary Tyler Moore

  1. Oh, RIP to her. I was aware of her, but didn’t exactly know her. I suspect they showed the MTM Show here long ago, but either I was too small to remember or I was not even born yet. reading what you have just said about her, she really sounds like she was a fine lady.

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  2. I had no idea she had died. I was in Hell with no internet and no cable for the last two weeks. I used to watch the re-runs of her show. I’ll never forget “Lou Grant” looking at her and saying: “You have spunk. I HATE spunk!” LOLOL
    RIP…Mary Tyler Moore. 😦

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  3. “She stood her ground without taking prisoners”….a beautiful sentiment. She did. She certainly did. There are people in this short life of ours that I sincerely wish could “live on” forever and “Mary Richards” is one of them for me. She was the epitome of grace and kindness and love, and I am so sad that we lost her. I, like you, could easily have been friends with her. She was the total package and it saddens me that we lost her so soon…….

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