Orion’s Gift (again)

It seems as though a lifetime has passed since I started reading Orion’s Gift by Anneli Purchase.

Then, over a month ago, life was sweet and simple.

Now, adjusting  to the new normal,* I am finding my way back to some of my pleasures such as reading.

Reading at the end of the day is my “happy hour”.

In chapter one, we meet Sylvia as she decides to leave her husband.

Orion’s Gift


What a Jerk!

It was good to get back to the story of Sylvia leaving her husband.

Purchase does not reveal the reason for Sylvia’s drastic action.

After meeting her husband Joel in chapter 2, I would have left him too.

Insecure, self-centered men can be dangerous.

Joel’s ego will not allow him to let her go.

Sylvia needs to be careful!

Joel Comes Home

Chapter 2 opens with Joel coming home to an empty house annoyed that his Sylvia is not there to make his dinner.

His reaction is about his needs. He shows no concern about why Sylvia might not be at home.

Instead, to punish her and amuse himself, he plans an assignation with Melinda.

In Joel’s words:

“This was going to be good—an evening with Melinda and a present from Sylvia. I rummaged through the rows of casual shirts in my walk-in closet, all neatly pressed and hung up in groups by color. Sylvia knew how I liked things done. A man had to be demanding. Some women needed that. Humph! Not some—all women! I pulled down a pale blue shirt that enhanced my eyes and made my blond hair look even blonder. Melinda says I look like a California surfer boy. She’s so perceptive.

“Now for the pants. Maybe the cream chinos. I finished my wine and pulled them on, leaving my soiled clothes on the floor. Sylvia could deal with them. Serve her right for not being here for me.”  Orion’s Gift  by Anneli Purchase

The author’s talent in developing engaging characters and story lines makes Orion’s Gift a compelling and enjoyable book.

Anneli Purchase

*My daughter in law is fighting Stage 4 cancer.     A Special Hell



7 thoughts on “Orion’s Gift (again)

  1. Reading is balm to the spirit and nurtures us internally as well as sharpening our minds…..BUT how careful we need to be to choose our books wisely. One I read yesterday was exciting and interesting but like so many the’ trying to be clever’ author… felt they needed a ‘twist’ to write a good story. The twist left me feeling disturbed and I went to bed with the thought that this world is a wretched place. Such is the power of the pen. Orien’s Gift sounds great. Lori to nurture your spirit so you can be there for ‘others’ you do indeed need always to look for what is beautiful and positive. Peace and Grace to you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for this post, Lori. I know you have plenty of other things on your mind, but reading can be an escape and a way of coping with our own lives. When I read those lines about Joel, I find myself getting angry with him all over again. But the good thing about this story is that happy things follow. Some very tense moments come along too, but generally it’s a happy story. I hope your followers will take a chance on Orion’s Gift. BTW, I named it that because the constellation of Orion is so ever-present in Baja skies, which are clear and bright for the most part. It’s a focal point for the lovebirds in the story.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Joel the Jerk…how she stayed with him for a week I don’t know. She really has low self esteem but definitely puts her “big girl” pants on and faces her terrible decisions.

    Liked by 3 people

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