Sweet Girl

Last minute grocery shopping for Thanksgiving.

Her first Thanksgiving without her Mommy.

A bright, feisty,adorable, inquisitive, strong-willed three-year old.


Talking about Mommy

My heart breaks when she talks about Mommy being in Heaven.

As we went around the table at Thanksgiving to share what we were each thankful for, she loudly affirmed that she was grateful for  her Mommy.

It is good that she still feels the love of her Mother.

Her little face shines with the radiance and faith of an innocent child.

My sweet granddaughter who has my heart.

21 thoughts on “Sweet Girl

  1. She is beautiful. Not too many filters of fear yet and can speak from her heart. If we could but be that innocent and sing from that love we would all be healed ❤️
    Great post Lori, brought a tear and an innocent smile to my heart, thank you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. More than anything else in her life may she be nurtured to never lose her faith in the Saviour who came to save our souls for ETERNITY. One day indeed, for all who believe we too will journey to where her Mom has gone. ‘Come as a little child’ an entreaty for ALL OF US TO FOLLOW. Without the Cross no soul could live forever. Thanksgiving always for this which after a lifetime is certainly my TRUTH. Blessings! and may LOVE in all things guide your Christmas.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. So beautiful and sweetly innocent. I pray she feels her mothers love for the rest of her life. I have recently taken custody of my great nieces, 3 little girls, and sadly, they do not have their mothers love and I pray for them to someday be able to heal as a family but until then, like you and your family, we will fill them with our love. I hope you all have a peaceful, blessed Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How lucky your nieces are to now have a loving home. It is sad that their mother is not in the picture for them. To not know your mother’s love is devastating. How kind you are to take them. Prayers and blessings to all of you. Hugs, Lori


  4. Wow, very powerful!! It truly brought a tear to my eye and gave me the goose bumps. She is so cute….looks about the same age as our granddaughter and I can’t imagine her being without her mom. Blessing to you and your family this Holiday Season!!

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