
I want to share these sweet little eggs.

I took this photo in a garden shop.

The eggs are fake. Still, they evoke a sense of tenderness and yearning in me.

I want to live in a little cottage in a beautiful place where life is peaceful.

With little nests, butterflies and fragrant flowers….

It’s been a hard week.

Actually, a hard year or so.

This pandemic drags on.

I am upset that my friends are losing their jobs, moving away.

And of course, there are the countless deaths.

Oregon hospitals are bringing in temporary morgues (KGW8 9/3/2021)

Idaho morgues are running out of space. (Washington Post 9/25/2021 issue)

I am weary.

“And like one lost in a thorny wood,

That rents the thorns and is rent with the thorns,

Seeking a way and straying from the way;

Not knowing how to find the open air,

But toiling desperately to find it out.”

~~Gloucester (Henry VI Part 3, Act III scene ii) Shakespeare

Literary Drinking


Early church service at 8 A.M.

It was good to participate.

I left right after communion as I was emotionally spent.

Still adjusting.  Still coping.  Still grieving.  Just Walkin’ Continue reading “Literary Drinking”